My mother sewed. She didn't sew lots of my clothes because for most of my early childhood my father worked for a small department store as a buyer, so we always were able to get clothes at a discount. My mom sewed for pleasure. It was her hobby. I remember going to fabric stores with her and looking through pattern books. My mom made my prom dress. She also made me a dress to wear to a friend's debutante ball which I then spewed all over after drinking innumerable drinks. Thank goodness it was after we'd left the ball. But I digress...
As a teen I began to sew. I only made a few things because I wasn't patient. Also a failure put me off for a while. That failure did teach me to preshrink fabric and to go by the measurements on the pattern for sizing as opposed to your size in RTW. I was really disappointed when my shirt dress didn't fit. And I had done all those buttonholes down the front!
For some odd reason after I moved to Australia I wanted to sew. I borrowed my mother-in-law's machine and made a skirt and pants. Skirt was great. Pants, not so great, but that was my fault...fabric choice.
My grandmother passed away, and I was left some money. I thought that I should buy a sewing machine with some of that money. Not that my grandmother sewed, but that she would have approved of such a practical purchase. I didn't sew much with that machine until I had my daughter. And strangely I am not even sure what made me start sewing for her because between me, my mother, my aunt and my sister, Moo was one of the best dressed kids around. I know the first couple of things that I made for her were just for fun.
When I was pregnant with Will, I was retrenched (laid off) from my job. It was a blessing as I was bored with my job and I received a payout. At that point I decided I would spend a year doing creative things as I knew I would be mostly busy with a newborn and had no intention of looking for a new job. I started dyeing more and sewing simple things like aprons and blankets which I dyed.
Then one day a friend mentioned these patterns, Farbenmix. She had seen some ladies on a forum make some outfits from them. She was going to order some, but only wanted a couple and since more could fit in a flat rate envelope, she asked if I wanted to get any. So I ordered Hermosa, Lunada and Redondo. I didn't love my initial creation, but the fit was good. The lack of love really had to do with my fabric choices. At that point I hadn't discovered the amazing array of fabrics on the net, nor had I discovered Klickundblick.

Some of my fave creations
Laguna Skirt with Ottobre top

Tie Dyed Olivia
Rainbow Redondo
Tie Dye Quiara

I have even made myself a few things that I will actually wear. Thankfully Farbenmix patterns for women go up to XXL!
I have met some fabulous people through sewing. There is such a great crafting community.
And I am ever thankful that Farbenmix & Studio Tantrum allow the use of their patterns for individuals to make things to sell. This has helped me to support my sewing and fabric addiction.

I have even made myself a few things that I will actually wear. Thankfully Farbenmix patterns for women go up to XXL!
I have met some fabulous people through sewing. There is such a great crafting community.
And I am ever thankful that Farbenmix & Studio Tantrum allow the use of their patterns for individuals to make things to sell. This has helped me to support my sewing and fabric addiction.
I too am a big fan of all those lovely Euro patterns and fabrics. It is too bad that the Euro fabrics are always so exxy otherwise I would be buying a whole heap more.
I sew as a hobby too and unfortunately I love shopping just as much so DD always has way too many clothes and she ends up not even wearing some of them.
LM - We always have had the too many clothes problem here. Just this year I cut back how much I bought for Mollie and intentionally focused on Will's wardrobe. This year with the exchange rate with the US dollar so pathetic, I have a feeling that I will be sewing more for Moo and buying even less.
Great to read how you got into sewing Sara. I've always just sewn for the love of it too, just as well because a lot of stuff never gets worn by my fussy little miss. Love all your pictures too especially your Feliz.
Sara your work is just beautiful. Love the Felix in the Farmers Market Fabrics :)
Love all your clothes Sara, so unique, feminine, just beautiful. Thanks for sharing your sewing story too.
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